To close out our Laruche – bar and supperclub shoot, this week we have a change of pace with contemporary violist Youka. She chats about hiphop and playing at Big Day Out and Peats Ridge Festivals in issue #1045. Oh and Matt if you’re out there… just give her back the damn record!
Get it FREE from all the usual street press outlets or read it online @ 3D world magazine – Brisbane
Whoa! What a week! Dame Reggaeton kicked things off with a HUGE turn out, nothing says party like having a day off the following day!
Mr. Mos Def followed things up with what can be described as a charming performance of forward thinking hiphop. And finally Andy C tore the Monastery (of all places!) a new one with a balls out set of killer DnB. I don’t know about anyone else but I need a lie down!
Check out the photos!
Dame Reggaeton @ The Church 25/1/11 photos here
Mos Def @ The Hifi Bar 26/1/11 photos here
Andy C and MC GQ @ The Monastery 28/1/11 photos here
Winding down our shoot at Laruche – bar and supperclub, we have Patrick Stewart (no, not the dude from Star Trek!). Check him out in issue #1044.
Get it FREE from all the usual street press outlets or read it online @ 3D world magazine – Brisbane
A glorious day was to behold for this year’s Big Day Out festival, nothing but blue sky and sunshine for a wide range of acts with Rammstein taking the crown for a spectacular pyrotechnic filled show.
Big Day Out Gold Coast 2011 highlight photos here
Big Day Out Gold Coast 2011 extended gallery photos here
Katie Karma photoshoot 8/1/11
We kicked off the new year with a frantic run and gun shoot with local Brisbane breaks and beats DJ, Katie Karma.
Barely 20min before we had to split but still managed some top shots (:
If you’re out for a boogey on Jan. 28th, head to the Family nightclub to hear her go back to back with another talented local lass Miss Jaime.
In the meantime check out Katie Karma photos here
Kana @ Unknown location 8/1/11
Those crafty ninjas at Kana have done it again, manifested an instant party with a flash mob to chase away those dismal rainy blues!
Well done lads!
While the novices were nursing headaches* the pros were at it for the first big party of the year!
* – if you were one of those people don’t fret! Next one is already locked and loaded for Jan. 25th, Australia Day eve.

Brooklyn Markets
Like a lot of NYC, if you look beyond the stereotypes you’ll find tight knit communities and lavish culture in the most unexpected places. A prime example of this is the Brooklyn flea markets. Catch the Coney Island subway to Flatbush Av. Station. (side note: Coney Island wasn’t on our list of destinations as it was in the middle of a be refurb scheduled to reopen towards the end of 2010)
The markets are held every weekend, out doors on Saturdays at Fort Greene and Sundays at the multi-level lush (ex-bank, complete with vault) space of Skylight One Hanson. During the cooler months they stay completely in doors at Skylight One Hanson.
Forget the thought of bootleg clothing, loud rap music and hawkers trying to hustle you for your dollars, think of it more like a combination of the Southbank and New Farm park markets (in Brisbane). It’s a huge blend of antiques, repurposed furniture, vintage clothing, collectibles, jewellery, art and crafts and designer items. It even has its own fresh food and food court areas with plenty of free taste testing. Check the website to view vendor layout on the Friday prior. Depending on your tastes, seeing the whole indoor venue may only take you a couple hours.
Sticking with the grown up theme on the day, we caught a bus down Flatbush Av. to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens (note: they are on your left heading south. Easily confused (until after 15min of walking and not seeing any exotic plants) with the normal park on the right hand side). Entering the southern entrance, after the $12 fee, its instantly another world. Peaceful, quiet.
The best thing about fully fledged botanical gardens is there are always flowers in bloom all year round. Being the end of winter, we were treated to a field of Cherry Blossoms. Remember these only flower for a couple weeks a year, so if you plan on seeing them, time your trip accordingly. The Aquatic House houses a pond and a rainforest area with tropical type plants that thrive in humid conditions, like orchids. The Bonsai Museum is right next door with many of the tiny guys over decades old.
Further along there are collections of Magnolia’s and Daffodils leading to the Japanese pond and garden feature. Roses, Lilacs, Tulips and Pansies round out the top section of the gardens.
Back to the real world, Flatbush Av. is one of the “main drags” of Brooklyn so there are plenty of shops to venture into. You may, like us, wonder how some of the smaller stores stay open with the poor quality of their service and stand over tactics, we figured it was just their charm.
Speaking of shopping, we round off our holiday with one last bash at the Manhattan stores!
New York City 2010 part #1 – The flight in…
New York City part #2 – Shopping: Midtown
New York City part #3 – Bronx Zoo
New York City part #4 – Sight seeing – Manhattan
New York City part #6 – Shopping: Soho
New York City photo gallery here
Complete Brooklyn Botanical Gardens photos here
Promotional material shoot for local breakbeat producers, Sangers and Ra.
For music, bookings and info see:
You thought too much egg nog and boisterous partying meant we’d forget our 3D World‘s Social Club features? Not a chance! Continuing our Laruche – bar and supperclub run of shoots we have veteran house maestro Jason Rouse in issue #1042 and local activist and the power fighter, Zach Salar in issue #1043.
Get it FREE from all the usual street press outlets or read it online @ 3D world magazine – Brisbane