
Image courtesy of www.daymonart.com

Those of you who frequent sneaker nut site Sneaker Freaker or have been to a few big name festivals will be familiar with the work by Daymonart, or if you’re a Melbourne local you’d probably know him as Daymon Greulich.

The bold and colourful sneaker pieces are of course our faves but there are heaps of other designs and concert/gig posters available in his web store.
Standard A2 sized posters are around a very affordable $25. Some pieces aren’t listed in the store but drop him a line and see if he can do a limited edition print for you.

With our move to the new SBM HQ winding up and the decorating beginning, we couldn’t help but to snatch up a couple more works to deck out the new digs!

If your place is looking a bit drab we suggest you do the same and check out Daymonart and drop Daymon a line, great personal service and an all round stand up guy. He is also a dab hand at animation and design so if you need work done along those lines we’re sure he’s more than happy to oblige as well.

Cheers Daymon!

Its been a long and tedious road but its finally here!

Local lads Morgan MacManus & Omegachild have finally dropped their long awaited debut album “Ultimate Questions”. Head on over to their site to have a listen and purchase a copy of your very own. Go old school and grab the hardcopy CD version for full cover, inlay and cd imagery by soulbridgemedia!

Morgan McManus & Omegachild debut album


Its that time of year again! Ted’s is having its 10% off all Nikon gear sale! Cameras, lenses, flashes, binoculars all 10% off for one day only, this Friday 27th November.

Pop into a store or shop online @ www.teds.com.au